Exporting Godot 4 Games for Android Play Store


Take this as a supplement of Godot’s official documentation on the topic of exporting for Google Play Store,

Firstly, the documentation demonstrates how to successfully start up exporting for Android.

When exporting for Google Play Store, we need a non-debug keystone file with .keystone or .jks as suffix. You can run the following command:

keytool -v -genkey -keystore mygame.keystore -alias mygame -keyalg RSA -validity 10000

After that, fill in the following forms in your Android Export Presets:

  • Release: the path to mygame.keystone

  • Release User: the alias mygame in this case

  • Release Password: your password


Then uncheck the Export With Debug checkbox.

Export. The exported aab file is ready to upload to Play Console.

By the way:

If the export fails, reopen Godot as administrator.