Just for a Record of Knowledge
The variable importance in projection (VIP) for a particular indicator is calculated using the regression coefficient b, weight vector wj, and score vector tj. where wkj is the k th element of the weight vector wj. PLS-VIP is used to identify the importance of each indicator in affecting the aggregate index.
def vip(model):
import numpy as np
t = model.x_scores_
w = model.x_weights_
q = model.y_loadings_
p, h = w.shape
vips = np.zeros((p,))
s = np.diag(t.T @ t @ q.T @ q).reshape(h, -1)
total_s = np.sum(s)
for i in range(p):
weight = np.array([ (w[i,j] / np.linalg.norm(w[:,j]))**2 for j in range(h) ])
vips[i] = np.sqrt(p*(s.T @ weight)/total_s)
return vips
# Where model could be a pls instance from sklearn.